I'll be teaching a “Beginner's Intro to Plein Air Workshop" this Sunday

Short notice, I know! But just got clarification that it's open to everyone.  I'll be teaching a “Beginner's Intro to Plein Air Workshop" this Sunday, April 29th at Red Wing Park presented by the Artists Gallery in Virginia Beach! It's $75 and you can still sign up as there are 6 spots left.  This should be an awesome workshop for those that are looking to start painting outdoors.  Contact the Artists Gallery at (757) 425-6671 http://www.theartistsgallery.org/ for reservations.  You can download my workshop supply list here: http://liquidmethod.squarespace.com/storage/PleinAirWorkshop.pdf .  There is a possibility for rain that day, so the make up date for that will be May 6th.